Today, there's a teacher (or volunteer) who tell us about her hometown, Münster-Deutchland. She came to Indonesia to study Bahasa Indonesia under the auspices of AIESEC. According to Wikipedia, AIESEC is an international non-govermental not-for-profit organization that provides young people with leadership development and cross-cultural global internship and volunteer exchange experiences across the globe, with a focus to empower young people so they can make a positive impact on society. So, after they back home, there are more value for them that can't be explained and very useful for their social life, interaction with locals, learn become a leader.
The teacher's name is Teressa. Miss Teressa do her presentation about Bundesrepublik Deutchland or Germany (Hamburg, Berlin, Bayern, Brandenburg, Hessen, Saarland, etc), top 5 hobbies (cycling, game, shopping, go to party, playing sudoku), animals in Germany (deers, squirel, rabbit, etc), the difference beetween North and South, and many more. Unfortunately, I can't remember any details from her presentation. Sorry mate~~ But, it was so fun.
After she finished her presentation, finally, Q & A session!
Me : what is the best way to explore Deutchland except cycling?
Her : for study or holiday?
Me : study
Her : I think you better choose Netherland was wes wos wes... you can go to another city in Europe by subway easily.
Damar : how is Jewish reaction after Adolf Hitler do that (at world war II)? (no, I'm not racist btw)
Her : the town atmosphere were condusive and we keep respect to the others, because Deutchland is a country with religion diversity, culture.
Nabila : how we can get Germany scholarship because it's to difficult to browse it?
Her : I don't know
Ira : Can you speak a little of Deutch?
Her : was wes wos wes wos... (not understand, sorry)
Sage : Do you know Jember Fashion Carnival?
Her : I don't really know, but it's like parade held on August, right? In Münster, some little girl dress up beautifully to go to carnival.
Damar : how is Jewish reaction after Adolf Hitler do that (at world war II)? (no, I'm not racist btw)
Her : the town atmosphere were condusive and we keep respect to the others, because Deutchland is a country with religion diversity, culture.
Nabila : how we can get Germany scholarship because it's to difficult to browse it?
Her : I don't know
Ira : Can you speak a little of Deutch?
Her : was wes wos wes wos... (not understand, sorry)
Sage : Do you know Jember Fashion Carnival?
Her : I don't really know, but it's like parade held on August, right? In Münster, some little girl dress up beautifully to go to carnival.
And I was so happy Miss Teressa sang a Deutchland's folk song. But, the sadness clearly painted on her eyes. She told us that sometimes she shy to born in Deutchland. It's about Adolf Hitler, which sparked Nazism. He also spread world war and over millions people died.